The lawsuit, Foster v. Dept. of Ecology, has just been decided in favor ofchildren who want the state to do more on climate change! They are the plaintiffs for Plant for the Planet. The ruling will go to Governor Jay Inslee Monday morning (May 9). Inslee is likely to instruct the Department of Ecology to come up with a carbon rule in the next two weeks. Ecology withdrew its previous rule in February, partly because of industry opposition and partly because of the possibility of legislative action (which never happened). Indications are the proposed rule may be weak, using a criterion of 1.5% reduction of carbon per year. The Plant for the Planet plaintiffs want a rule of 4% carbon reduction each year. We need to send brief emails to the governor’s office at: click here. Fill out the form that appears and write a message emphasizing 4% carbon reduction each year. Can you write a brief email to Gov. Inslee today! For example, you might say: Thanks for all you have done to address climate change. I urge you to ask DOE for a 4% annual reduction in carbon emissions (not just a 1.5% reduction). Thanks for all your help. FCWPP Environmental Stewardship and Peace Working Group Thanks to Plant for the Planet and WA UU Voices for Justice for alerting us to this need.