Those who’ve worked hard to move health care reform forward on the federal level want people in Washington State to know how federal legislation will benefit you. Please come to South Seattle this Sunday, January 17th 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at UFCW 21, 5030 1st Ave S, Seattle to hear Congressman Jim McDermott, State Senator Karen Keiser, and State Representative Eileen Cody explain the federal plan, state needs, and how one serves the other. At this writing there are rumors Senator Cantwell may also be present. This will be a smaller meeting with most of the time set aside for questions and answers and so will provide those in attendance with a truly unique opportunity to learn more about this watershed legislation.
We hope you will be able to use this information to help educate friends, Friends, and neighbors so that all better understand the need for reform and the specific value this particular reform package provides people in Washington State. It is vitally important for those invested in health reform to fully understand what the current legislation does, and does not do. It has been noted that the policy people and politicians did not do such a good job developing this understanding in 1993 when Washington passed health care reform. This left the electorate vulnerable to the effects of misinformation as packaged and presented through television ads bythe insurance industry. In 1994 people opposed to health reform exploited the fear enhanced by the insurance industry’s televised misinformation to support election of new majorities to our state House of Representatives and state Senate who voted in 1995 to repeal reform.
If you can send me an email (Steven Aldrich, at ">), stating whether you can attend this coming Sunday it will greatly assist with my efforts to maximize participation in this important forum with 7th District Congressman Jim McDermott, State Senate Health and Human Services Committee Chair Karen Keiser, and State House Health and Wellness Committee Chair Eileen Cody. (If you use Reply email, please do not use Reply All; we need to keep the number of emails that activists receive contained!)
Thanks (and peace),
Steven Aldrich
Economic Justice Working Group, FCWPP