Task Force on Human Rights


The Quaker Voice Board recognizes that we are in extraordinary times. Threats to our community are rising, and we want to respond. The role that Quaker Voice can play is with our state-level decisionmakers. They have an outstanding record of defending everyone who lives here. We want to support them in those efforts.

The Board has therefore decided to form a temporary Task Force on Human Rights. The charge to this group is to scan for state-level proposed bills or executive actions that either threaten or protect people in the state. When the Task Force identifies such actions, it will call them to the Board’s attention and explain its reasoning, so that Quaker Voice can take a stand and ask you, our citizen advocates, for action.

We envision that the Task Force will be in operation for six months. A representative from the group will join the Board during that time. After that time, it may develop into another working group, or it may evolve in a different direction. Way will open.

If you are so led, please volunteer for this group with an email to .

In peace and solidarity,
The Quaker Voice Board
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