Friends, FCWPP encourages you to contact your Representatives in the Washington State House in support of the Youth Opportunity Act, HB 1651 so that individuals who may have made a mistake in their youth are not forever compromised by public dissemination of documents related to that mistake. HB 1651 would keep juvenile criminal records confidential rather than making them available for publication, distribution, or to be sold, as is the case now. (Records would remain public if a juvenile has been adjudicated of a sex offense for which registration is required, a serious violent offense or arson in the first degree, kidnapping in the second degree, assault of child in the second degree, malicious placement of an explosive, or leading organized crime.) Making public the record of a juvenile who has not been found guilty of a serious crime:
- Creates ongoing obstacles to support for education, a job, housing, and, in general, to success in life.
- Makes her/him more likely to become dependent on programs supported by the rest of us in the state.
- Makes her/him more likely to become involved in criminal activity as other options evaporate.
HB 1651 both renews opportunity for young people and reduces the need for future public support of individuals who are never able to get past the obstacles created by youthful indiscretions. This is accomplished by ending the current practice of making juvenile records public even when no charge was filed, no trial was held, and no one was convicted of a crime. We urge you to contact your state representatives in support of HB 1651 (see below for details on how to contact them). More information on HB 1651 is available at: Thank you! FCWPP Criminal Justice Working Group and FCWPP Legislative Committee Contacting your legislators: Legislators’ email addresses are in the form: , so, for example, Rep. Frank Chopp is . Or you can leave a phone message for your legislators, using the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000. To find the names of your current legislators, go to: and enter your street address. ________________________________________________________________ In addition to your direct involvement in advocacy, FCWPP needs your financial support to continue its work. Credit card contributions may be made online at, by clicking on the “Donate” button near the top of the page on the right. Directions for making contributions by check is also on the website. Because FCWPP is a lobbying organization, contributions are not tax deductible.