Dear Friends of FCWPP,You are invited to participate in the spring meeting of the Steering Committee of Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP). The meeting will be at 7 pm on Friday April 25 at Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting (PNQM), at Lazy F camp near Ellensburg.As part of the agenda for this meeting, we’ll hear what members of Monthly Meeting or Worship Group are doing relating to FCWPP (such as responding to FCWPP Alerts to make contacts with legislators, discussing FCWPP legislation on criminal and economic justice and environmental matters at meeting events, participating in Quaker Lobby Day, etc.).
So, if you are coming to worship, enjoy nature, and renew friendships at Quarterly Meeting, consider coming to the FCWPP Steering Committee meeting on Friday night as we review the legislative session and discuss other items related to FCWPP’s work, including getting more Friends involved in public policy efforts … like, perhaps, you! We’ll be meeting at 7 pm in the dining hall.
A tentative Agenda for the meeting is attached. If you can’t make it to Quarterly Meeting and have input/feedback regarding FCWPP’s work, please contact me! Thanks for all you are doing … and hope to see you at Quarterly Meeting! Sam Sam Merrill, Clerk Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy