Quaker Voice sent the following letter to members of the House Health Care and Wellness Committee.
Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy opposes HB 1214. This act bans and criminalizes best-practice medical care for transgender young people, prohibiting them from receiving gender transition procedures such as prescribed drugs or surgical procedures. A gender-affirming model of appropriate care has been recommended by nearly every major American medical association. Denying best practice medical care and support to transgender youth can be life-threatening, contributing to depression, social isolation, risk of self-harm, and suicidal behavior, among other negative impacts.
Our larger Quaker community articulated its commitment to inclusion in 2017 with a statement on “Welcoming Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People.” We honor the gender identity and expression of each person, as understood by that person. We affirm that gender expression and identity may be fluid and changeable.
We are aware that this bill is not going forward in this legislative session. Nonetheless, in the spirit of our commitment, we strongly urge you to drop consideration of HB 1214 completely.
The Quaker Voice Board