Restore Cuts in Early Education; Eliminate Tax Exemptions – 4/13/2011

HB 2078 would restore cuts in early education by eliminating certain tax exemptions

    In prticular, HB 2078 would:

1. Eliminate certain tax breaks for first-mortgage interest earnings of large banks.

2. Eliminate tax breaks for out-of-state shoppers.

3. The funds retrieved under these provisions would go to the education legacy trust account and be designated for use only for K-3 class size reductions.

FCWPP supports a fairer tax system for residents of Washington and better educational opportunities for our children.

HB 2078 has 48 co-sponsors in the House and has been referred to the HouseWays and Means Committee (see members below).  It is especially important to contact the Committee Chair, Rep. Ross Hunter (), who is not now a co-sponsor of HB 2078.

Please also consider asking your own legislators to support this bill.  You may find your legislators at:  Email addresses for legislators are of the form: .

The two-thirds requirement to pass measures in the legislature
that increase taxes or close tax exemptions will be an obstacle.  A back-up plan is a referendum, which could be placed on next November’s ballot by bare majorities in the legislature.  Bill details, including the names of co-sponsors, can be found at:

Thanks for all your help.

Sam Merrill, Legislative Clerk
Steven Aldrich, Legislative Advocate
Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP)

House Ways and Means Committee Members

Representative Room Phone
Hunter, Ross (D) Chair MOD C 105 (360) 786-7936
Darneille, Jeannie (D) Vice Chair LEG 436B (360) 786-7974
Hasegawa, Bob (D) Vice Chair MOD B 201 (360) 786-7862
Alexander, Gary (R) * LEG 426B (360) 786-7990
Bailey, Barbara (R) ** LEG 122A (360) 786-7914
Dammeier, Bruce (R) ** MOD D 205 (360) 786-7948
Orcutt, Ed (R) ** LEG 122F (360) 786-7812
Carlyle, Reuven (D) MOD E 104 (360) 786-7814
Chandler, Bruce (R) LEG 427B (360) 786-7960
Cody, Eileen (D) MOD F 101 (360) 786-7978
Dickerson, Mary Lou (D) LEG 429A (360) 786-7860
Haigh, Kathy (D) MOD F 108 (360) 786-7966
Haler, Larry (R) LEG 122D (360) 786-7986
Hinkle, Bill (R) MOD G 104 (360) 786-7808
Hudgins, Zack (D) LEG 438A (360) 786-7956
Hunt, Sam (D) LEG 438B (360) 786-7992
Kagi, Ruth (D) MOD F 102 (360) 786-7910
Kenney, Phyllis Gutierrez (D) MOD F 110 (360) 786-7818
Ormsby, Timm (D) LEG 122G (360) 786-7946
Parker, Kevin (R) MOD G 110 (360) 786-7922
Pettigrew, Eric (D) LEG 434B (360) 786-7838
Ross, Charles (R) LEG 426A (360) 786-7856
Schmick, Joe (R) MOD A 103 (360) 786-7844
Seaquist, Larry (D) LEG 132C (360) 786-7802
Springer, Larry (D) LEG 132E (360) 786-7822
Sullivan, Pat (D) LEG 339A (360) 786-7858
Wilcox, J.T. (R) MOD G 106 (360) 786-7912

*Ranking Minority Member  **Asst. Ranking Minority Member ?

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