Friends have been a leading voice for social justice for centuries. Our voice in state government is critically important to many people—including tens of thousands of state residents who have been enmeshed in the criminal justice system, who are experiencing economic hardship, and who are suffering the effects of our climate crisis. We join our voices to theirs, seeking equality and justice for all.
This year our events will be virtual, starting with trainings on Friday, February 12 on the Washington State legislative process and lobbying during a pandemic. On Monday, February 15 (Presidents Day) we will have discussions of our priority issues, such as addressing housing and food for those hurt most by the pandemic, support for current and former prisoners, and climate change and clean transportation. Since we cannot go to the Legislature in person this year, we will help you set up Zoom meetings with your legislators sometime during the week of February 15 with registrants from the same legislative district.
Please join us!
Register by February 8
or contact us at
As Quaker Lobby Day approaches, we’ll send registrants the agenda and updates on the issues. You will receive the Zoom link to the plenary sessions when you register. We’ll use your registration to begin to set up appointments with your local legislators, including Zoom links, so it is essential to know well ahead of time who will participate!
Download, print and share the flyer (PDF format) here.