Quaker Voice Alert: Help Us Change WA’s Upside-Down Tax Code!

We need your help for one final push before the Washington legislative session ends.
The legislature is making the final adjustments to their budget proposals right now.
We need them to hear from YOU that Washington wants a budget that funds all of the community investments from the House and Senate budgets. We can fund those investments by closing the tax break on capital gains.
Please write to your legislator and ask them to support a budget that aligns with our state’s values. Ask them to support the proposed supplemental House budget, ESHB 2299, and Senate budget, ESSB 6032, by ending wasteful tax breaks, including the tax break on capital gains. By ending the tax break on capital gains, we can provide more funding for priorities like early childcare, education, housing, and essential needs for the most vulnerable in our community.

In the light,

Quaker Voice Economic Justice Working Group

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