Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy is looking for a part-time Legislative Advocate and Policy Analyst (lobbyist) for the 2022 legislative session in Olympia. This position will require approximately 90 hours a month during session (January through April) and 20-30 hours a month before and after session (starting October 1, 2021). Compensation is $25-30/hour, depending on experience.
The position requires working closely with topic-specific work groups to research issues of concern to Friends and assist in policy development, attending and testifying at legislative hearings, arranging and participating in meetings with legislators and other government officials and with relevant coalitions, and providing written reports. Work Groups currently include Criminal Justice, Economic Justice, and Environmental Stewardship.
We seek a dedicated person, with excellent verbal and writing skills and ability to work with many different groups, and in the manner of Quakers, to listen carefully and respectfully to others. The Advocate would work with and represent Washington Quakers on matters of public policy in the state, to help fulfill our mission – “Bringing a Quaker voice, guided by testimonies and spiritual devotion, to the formation of public policy in Washington state”.
If interested, please submit a resume and letter of interest by August 15 to Susan Cozzens () or by mail to 16095 Cleveland Street #414, Redmond WA 98052.
Download this position announcement in PDF format here.