We had a technology issue that made our online registration link inoperative the last week or so, but FCWPP is now eagerly awaiting your sign up for Quaker Lobby Day on Monday, February 15th. With no paid lobbyist this year FCWPP needs your enthusiasm more than ever. Click here to Register now. If you have never come to Olympia to meet with your legislators or their staff, training and support are available. The morning portion of the program begins with registration at 8:30 am at Olympia Friends Meetinghouse, 3201 Boston Harbor Road.The program includes both a speaker from the legislature and training and tips about how to be an effective advocate for issues you care about. In addition, each of our Working Groups on Criminal Justice, Economic Justice and Environmental Stewardship and Peace will have prepared a short list of two or three current focus issues with background information that you can use and even leave with your legislators if you want. The Working Group clerks will also conduct short training sessions during which you can ask questions about each issue. To finish off a busy morning of preparation, you will have time over a quick lunch (prepared by Olympia Friends) to gather with activists from your legislative district to plan your meeting with your legislator or his/her legislative assistant. If you are the only one from your district, a few seasoned activists will be available to join you at your request. Then you will drive/carpool to the Legislature and join in making your Quaker voice heard! It is not too late to register, but in order to have enough lunch and to make appointments with legislators, we ask that everyone register as soon as possible.It will be most helpful if everyone can register by Friday, Feb 12th. Everyone who registers will be emailed directions to Olympia Friends meetinghouse and an agenda for the day. When you sign in at Olympia Meetinghouse on QLD you will receive a packet with the agenda, copies of the focus issues sheets, a map of the Capitol area with parking suggestions, and a spreadsheet of appointments with legislators by district which includes their office address. I hope to see lots of you in Olympia. Leni Skarin, clerk