Quaker Lobby Day is coming on Monday, February 7. Please register right away — we want to swing into action arranging for meetings for you with your state legislators for that afternoon.
On Quaker Lobby Day, we carry our testimonies into the state legislative process by asking our representatives to take action on specific bills or budget items. Our three working groups — Criminal Justice, Economic Justice, and Environmental Stewardship — have been busy this fall consulting with House and Senate leadership on what they are bringing forward in this short, 60-day session. Each group has been honing its list of priorities to just a few for you, our citizen lobbyists, to talk about in online 15-minute meetings with your representatives and senators.
On the morning of Quaker Lobby Day, the working groups will bring you up to date on the progress of the priority bills and get you ready for your meetings with legislators. At mid-day, you will meet with others from your district to prepare for your meetings. We’ll do our best to schedule the meetings with legislators for that afternoon, then welcome you to a sum-up session at the end of the day with our lobbyist.
Do you feel lost in the Washington legislative process? Do you want to know what to do during a meeting with your legislator? There are several opportunities for training ahead of Quaker Lobby Day. Our partner organization Faith Action Network is offering pre-session training on January 6 and 9, including videos on why and how to advocate. And just before Lobby Day, on the evening of February 4, we will host refresher discussions using videos on Understanding the Legislative Process, Navigating the Legislative Website, and Bill Tracking. Register here to receive the Zoom link for the refresher sessions (and if you are only interested in one or two, check the specific times in the full agenda).