Hello, Friends!
You are getting this email because you are on the Quaker Voice Activist list.
We’re excited that you’re interested!
We hope your New Year is going well; together, we can make it better.
Quaker Lobby Day
(10th Annual!)
Monday, February 19, 2018 (Presidents’ Day), 9:00-3:00
Olympia Friends Meeting House
Friends have been a leading voice for social justice for several centuries. Our voice in state government is critically important to many marginalized people in our state – including tens of thousands of state residents who have been enmeshed in the criminal justice system or suffer economic hardship – and who cannot speak effectively for themselves. Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy invites you to participate in our 10th annual Quaker Lobby Day on Monday, Presidents’ Day,
Working together, we can do amazing things!
Quaker Lobby Day 2018 Registration