Your state Senator (Legislative Districts 2,6,10,21,30,36,46) is one of seven members of the Senate Higher Education Committee, which is scheduled to vote on the Post-secondary Education in Prisons bill (SB 6260) this Tuesday afternoon (Feb. 2). FCWPP has worked for many years to get a Post-Secondary Education bill passed. We ask for your help now. For more information on the bill, go to click here. As you are led, can you send a quick comment to your Senator in support of this bill? Here’s a sample that you might use, or add your personal touch if you wish: I support HB 6260 for at least three reasons (1) education helps rehabilitate those serving in prison for a productive life on the outside, (2) education helps released prisoners get a job and make a contribution to society, and (3) providing education for prisoners promotes public safety because successful former prisoners are less likely to commit crime and return to prison. Because Quakers have a long history of engagement in prison reform and participate today in educational efforts in Washington state prisons, we have a particular interest in this bill and support for higher education for Washington inmates. As a member of the Senate Higher Education Committee, please vote for SB 6260, which would permit the Dept. of Corrections to provide post-secondary education for those in prison — something it is willing to do. You can send an email directly to your legislator, using an address of the form: , or you can send a comment online to your state Senator and Representatives by clicking on click here, clicking on “Comment,” and filling out the form that pops up. Thanks somuch for all you do! In Peace, FCWPP Criminal Justice Working Group