Port Townsend and the Navy

Port Townsend residents and other concerned citizens have been attempting to obtain documents from the Navy regarding safety risks associated with the weapons transfer depot at Indian Island.  Recently, they won a Supreme Court decision but the Navy has inserted into the Defense Authorization Act language that would nullify citizen access to this information.  The House has passed this bill and it is now pending in the Senate  The Navy may be out of compliance with rules regarding safe distances for explosive handling but if this bill is enacted into law citizens will be unable to document this.  A petition is being circulated to elected officials and the matter will be before the Jefferson County Commissioners this coming Tuesday, July 5 at 9AM at the Jefferson County Courthouse in Port Townsend. Congressional action is expected in early August. 
The petition is being circulated at the Port Townsend Co-op, Saturday Farmers' Market, and other venues in the area and copies are
available from Doug Milholland of Port Townsend Friends.
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