It’s not too late to participate in Quaker Lobby Day!

Friends, It’s not too late to participate in Quaker Lobby Day!    This is gentle reminder that Quaker Lobby Day is on Monday, February 17 (Presidents’ Day), from 9:00 to 3:00, starting in the Olympia Meeting House.  It’s a great opportunity to welcome and gather with Friends from around the state, discuss issues of social justice that are before the state legislature, and meet with legislators at the Capitol to bring our issues to their attention.  This is the sixth annual Quaker Lobby Day sponsored by the Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP). By meeting with your legislators, you bring attention and a face to the issues you present — whether they pertain to addressing the issue of climate change, support for educational opportunities in prison, or protecting the safety net for persons with disabilities.  You just might convince one of your legislators to be a champion for one of our issues.  And if your legislators don’t agree with you, here’s a chance for some Friendly dialogue.   We think of the long term — building relationships helps us be listened to in the future.    Please join us!  To register, provide your name, email address, postal address, and legislative district (if known) at our website:  And thanks to all of you who have already registered. For more information about FCWPP issues to be discussed with legislators on Quaker Lobby Day, see our website at  Appointments have been set up with many district legislators. In peace, Sam Merrill

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