Omnibus Reentry Bill

SB 5070, the state omnibus reentry bill to salvage lives and reduce 
recidivism for the benefit of offenders, their families, and our 
communities, is in the House awaiting floor action before tomorrow’s cutoff 

Please urge your representatives to help bring this important bill to a 
vote, and to only support amendments that will mitigate unnecessarily harsh 
sanctions and make the provision of needed housing and other services more 

If you would like to see a copy of the bill, go to and click 
on bills. You will also find your representative’s phone number and email 
address at this same web page.

Thank you for assisting in this critical effort, which is a key criminal 
justice element in FCWPP’s 2007 legislative program.

Daniel Clark, Legislative Committee Chair
Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy

Call the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 (toll free) during session, 
weekdays 8 AM to 8 PM, Saturdays 9 AM to 1 PM. The operators can tell you 
who your senator is and will take your message.

From the Legislature’s home page,, you 
can also find your district and legislators using your address. Links then 
lead to your legislators’ web pages with contact information.  A list of all 
senators’ emails can be found at  Email addresses 
follow the rule: .

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