Ombuds 6154 L&J Cmte

Your state Senator  (WA Legislative Districts 4, 27, 28, 31, 39, 43, 46) is a member of the Senate Law and Justice Committee, which needs to vote on the Corrections Ombuds bill SB 6154 this week (by Feb. 5) for it to have a chance of passing this year.  FCWPP has worked for many years to get an Ombuds bill passed.  We ask for your help now.  For more information, click here. Can you send a quick comment to your Senator in support of this bill?  Here’s a sample that you might use, or add your personal touch if you wish: Prisons and prisoners are out of the public eye.  But inmates who live there are human beings who need to be cared for, whatever they have done.  In the spirit of openness, we need an independent ombuds to inspect prisons, provide information about conditions, and make specific recommendations.  Furthermore, an Ombuds office can help resolve disputes that would otherwise lead to expensive litigation, charged to taxpayers. Please support SB 6154, which would establish an independent Ombuds office.  This bill had a hearing in the Senate Law and Justice Committee last week. You can send an email directly to your legislator, using an address of the form: , or you can send a comment online to your state Senator and Representatives by clicking on click here to go to the bill and then clicking on “Comment” and filling out the form that pops up. Thanks so much for all you do! In Peace, FCWPP Criminal Justice Working Group

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