Friends, It’s not too late to participate in Quaker Lobby Day! Quaker Lobby Day is Monday, February 16 (Presidents’ Day), from 8:45 to 3:30, starting in the Olympia Meeting House. Please consider joining with Friends from around the state talking with our legislators. During the morning get up to speed about issues and specific bills of importance to Friends. In the afternoon, discuss these issues with legislators at the Capitol. Appointments are being set up with legislators of registered participants and you will have other Friends to go with you. Quaker Lobby Day 2-16-2015 Draft Agenda By meeting with your legislators, you bring attention and a face to the issues you raise — whether they pertain to clear action on the issue of climate change, support for persons trying to remake their shattered lives following release from prison, or helping provide for those who are mentally ill. More than this, the relationships you build with their aides as well as your legislators enhance the effectiveness of your future communications. For more information, click on Quaker Lobby Day. Please join us! To register, provide your name, email address, postal address, and legislative district (if known) online at (or click on Registration from the Quaker Lobby Day web page). If you need a carpool or other help, mention that in the space provided on the registration form. We will help you. And thanks to all of you who have already registered! In peace, Sam Merrill Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP)