Matching Offer 2024-25


Quaker Voice has carefully maintained stability and modest growth over many years. Our work with the Quaker Voice Legislative Advocates is essential, helping us affirm Quaker values in state law.

Today our financial situation is healthy, however, not sustainable. As with any non-profit, our donor base fluctuates. Good stewardship requires us to reach out to donors from time to time to undergird our work.

We have a plan. Over the next fiscal year (October 2024 through September 2025), Quaker Voice board members and citizen activists will reach out to new, current, and lapsed donors, asking them for new or increased financial commitment. Some long-time friends of Quaker Voice are stepping up to match 1:1 the increase from any donations made in the previous fiscal year. This offer applies to the first $4000 in eligible donations this year, so please send your donation now.

This step is not taken lightly. Quaker Voice is healthy because of your commitment of time, talent, and treasure. Our goal is to create a reinvigorated and stable financial foundation for years to come.

Thank you for joining this effort,

The Quaker Voice Board


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