Local Responses to Global Challenges: Increased opportunities for Clean Air – Feb 11

Department of Ecology assertions the state is not doing enough to clean its air has potentially increased support for HB 1825 that would create a Coal Free Future for Washington by forcing TransAlta to quit burning coal by 2015, ten years earlier than currently required by an outstanding gubernatorial order. (For more details on the Department of Ecology report click here.)

Concerns remain about the impact terminating coal-fired power production will have on the Lewis County economy.

The 1:30 pm hearing scheduled for Tuesday, February 15th in the House Environmental Committee has been confirmed. Friends, and friends of Friends can show support for HB 1825 by contacting House Environment Committee members. Click here for a list of committee members.

Members’ email addresses follow the following format: first name.last so that Environment Committee Chair Dave Upthegrove’s email address is .

  • Still no action on HB 1320 or SB 5238: Washington Investment Trust. The State Treasurer’s assertion the proposal would require lending of state credit and that that violates our state constitution seems to be the issue preventing a committee vote.


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