Lobbyist Position Description

Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy

Job Description for Legislative Advocate (lobbyist)

We seek a dedicated person to work with and represent Washington Quakers on matters of public policy in the state, particularly with the state legislature. This person will help us fulfill our mission – “Bringing a Quaker voice, guided by testimonies and spiritual devotion, to the formation of public policy in Washington state.” See quakervoicewa.org for more information on the organization.

The legislative advocate representing Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy in this part-time contract position will, in collaboration with the Working Groups and the Board:

  • Provide information to support issue-specific Working Groups of active volunteers, currently focused on Criminal Justice, Environmental Stewardship and Economic Justice, as they
    • Research and educate themselves on issues of concern to Friends
    • Develop legislative goals on these issues, including identifying priority bills
  • Identify and work with allies and other stakeholders on priority bills.
  • Draft and present testimony at legislative hearings or collaborate with Friends active in Quaker Voice to do so.
  • Meet with legislators, their staff and other government officials, and with relevant coalitions.
  • Set and participate in meetings for Quaker Voice volunteers with legislators both during and between legislative sessions.
  • Track the progress of Quaker Voice priority bills and identify key issues that may impede their passage; recommend actions to make passage more likely.
  • Draft legislative action alerts for other Quakers around the state.
  • Report on advocacy efforts, lobbying activities, analysis of bill content and changes, and analysis of bill progress not available on official websites, including at monthly Board and Working Group meetings during the session.

Required qualifications

  • Ability to work in Olympia during regular and special legislative sessions (e.g., Jan-March 2024).
  • Excellent verbal and writing skills.
  • Strong analytical skills.
  • Knowledge of the Washington legislative process.
  • Familiarity with how the Legislature actually functions.
  • Ability to work with many different groups, and to listen carefully and respectfully to others.

Preferred qualifications

  • Working familiarity with the ways of Quakers, or willingness to learn and be comfortable with them.
  • Knowledge of Washington State issues.

Annual compensation of $15,000-$18,000 can be spread evenly across the year or concentrated in the months of the legislative session.

September 8, 2023

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