Dear Supporters of Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy in WA Legislative District one of 4, 25, 28, 30, 31, 39 You are one of only eleven supporters of FCWP who are constituents of one of the key state legislators needed for passage of HB 1390, a bill strongly supported by FCWPP. HB 1390 would provide partial relief for released prisoners from the burdens of Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs). These burdens are particularly hard on former prisoners, who have great difficulty finding a job and getting a place to live. As you feel led, could you send an email or phone your state legislator(s) (see list below). Legislators pay most attention to messages from their own constituents and only a very few of us live in one of the districts of the key legislators. Some of the legislators listed below already support the bill, so what to ask is that they talk to their counterparts in the Senate where passage will be more difficult, highlight the LFO bill, and try to get them on board. Tell a personal story if you have one.
- LFOs include restitution, fines, public defender costs, incarceration costs, drug treatment, etc.
- LFOs accrue interest at 12%, starting during incarceration.
- If you owe $6000 upon release from prison, and you pay $60 a month, at the end of your life you would owe the same as you do now, unless your case is in a county that waives the interest after the principal is paid.
Provisions of HB 1390:
- Future interest on the non-restitution portion is eliminated (and, upon motion of the offender, the court can make this retroactive).
- A court may not impose LFOs on a person found indigent at the time of sentencing.
- Payments go first to restitution.
Purposes in supporting HB 1390:
- Enhance public safety by reducing recidivism (less chance of resorting to easy money out of desperation, thereby committing further crimes)
- Not whether the offender “deserves” the service but to encourage successful reintegration into society
Thanks for all you do! In peace, Criminal Justice Working Group, FCWPP