Senate Leadership: Lt. Governor Denny Heck (), Majority Leader Senator Andy Billig (), Deputy Majority Leader Manka Dhingra (), Deputy Majority Leader Emily Randall ()
Or copy this list to send to all of them at once: ; ; ;
House Leadership: Speaker of the House Rep. Laurie Jinkins (), House Majority Leader Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon ()
Or copy this list to send to both of them at once: ;
If you are sending an email to the Speaker of the House Jinkins (), you may want to include her chief of staff, Dominique Meyers (), and her legislative assistant Faith Flaherty ().
If you want to send one email to all the committee members, open the page, select the column of the table with their emails, and copy them all at once to put in the “send” field of your email.
Senate Rules Committee — both member emails and member districts
Senate Ways and Means Committee — both member emails and member districts
Senate Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee member emails and districts
House Appropriations Committee member emails
House Consumer Protection and Business Committee member emails
House Rules Committee member emails
House Rules Committee by district