Learning About Your Legislators

You are represented by two members of the state House and one Senator. You can find your district and your representatives here. This official “district finder” links not only to a picture and contact information for each of your legislators, but also information about the issues they work on and their place in the legislature:

  • their committee assignments
  • their voting records
  • bills they sponsored in the current or last legislative session

There is also a link there to the personal web page of each legislator, with biography, e-newsletter links, and other ways of learning what is on their minds. Sometimes their legislative assistant names also appear on their personal pages. Since most have very few staff members (members of the House usually have only one staff member), this may be the person you talk to when you contact their office.

On their personal web pages, you will also find links to other social media they use, such as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube accounts. Some, however, link only to party caucus sites; you may need to search your favorite social media for direct connections to their postings.

To see how your legislators voted on Quaker Voice priority bills from last year, check here.

See our cookbook for legislative tracking for screenshots of where to find all this information about your legislators.

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