Last Call for Quaker Lobby Day Registration!

Quaker Lobby Day is less than two weeks away!

Can you donate one day for justice? How about February 9? If you haven’t already registered to attend FCWPP’s first Quaker Lobby Day, now’s the time to sign up. Our program begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Olympia Friends meeting house. It includes a chance to meet activists and other thoughtful people from across the state, learn about important issues in criminal justice reform, and strengthen the Friends’ witness for justice in Washington State.

We’ll have presentations by Friends and expert guests, a free sack lunch, and a lunchtime talk by Rep. Roger Goodman on how we can get serious about reducing our prison population. And we’ll even have free shuttle service to the capitol for afternoon meetings with your legislators.

For more information, call Carol Estes 206-276-9128 or email her at redtuffy@

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