Join us for a report on Quaker Voice action during the 2024 legislative session and on upcoming challenges


Please join us for a report on Quaker Voice action during the 2024 legislative session and on upcoming challenges for the fall.

On Friday, April 26, at 7 pm Pacific, we will be sharing our work with Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting. We urge you to join us in person or online through the link on this page:

The big challenge facing us in the fall is the vote on ballot initiatives that would roll back advances we have worked on in the last few years. We will explain those initiatives in the April 26 session and have added an information page in the Take Action section of the website. We invite your input at any time on how we should approach them in the manner of Friends. Send suggestions to .

We also welcome volunteers to help plan online information sessions over the summer and fall on policing, universal healthcare, and the Climate Commitment Act. Let us know at  if you would like to help plan the sessions.

Looking forward to seeing you on April 26.

The Quaker Voice Board

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