Dear Friends,
Next week is a critical week of the Legislative Session. The Transit-Oriented Communities bill (HB 1490) will be up for a House floor vote by Wednesday.
House Bill 1490 would create affordable, walkable communities connected by transit for Washington’s families and has strong support from both the Environmental Priorities Coalition and the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance.
Transit-Oriented Communities bill up for vote.
Legislative Hot Line: (800) 562-6000
We are close, but we need your help in this final push. HB 1490 has passed out of the necessary committees and now needs to pass out of the House. Can you pick up the phone right now and urge your State Representatives to vote for Transit- Oriented Communities (HB 1490)?
Legislative Hot Line: (800) 562-6000 (open 8 a.m.- 8 p.m.)
Take a moment now to call your legislators and tell them “to support the Transit Oriented Communities Bill (HB 1490).” Your call will give them encouragement to support the bill.
Click here and let our key allies know that you made the call, so we can track the input legislators are receiving:
The following Representatives are sponsors of HB 1490: Sharon Nelson, Jamie Pedersen, Roger Goodman, Geoff Simpson, Dave Upthegrove, Sherry Appleton, Mary Lou Dickerson, Marko Liias, Jeff Morris, Mary Helen Roberts, Scott White, Timm Ormsby, John McCoy, and Mark Miloscia.
If your representatives are sponsors of the bill, please thank them for their efforts and encourage them to do everything they can to pass Transit Oriented Communities.Please help us make Transit-Oriented Communities a reality. Call your legislators today.
For more information about Transit-Oriented Communities, please
Thank you,
Daniel Clark, Chair Local Response to Global Changes Working Group Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy 509-522-0399, PO Box 1222, Walla Walla WA 99362
Kerri Chechovic
Washington Environmental Council
1402 Third Avenue, Suite 1400 Seattle, Washington 98101