
“We seek a society with equity and justice for all, We seek a community where every person’s potential may be fulfilled, We seek an earth restored . . . .” ~ FCNL

In the centuries-old Quaker tradition of leading the struggle for human and civil rights, Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy focuses on issues of criminal justice, economic justice, and environmental stewardship, particularly concerns not sufficiently addressed by other organizations.

Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy is composed of members of the Religious Society of Friends who bring spiritual values to bear on public policy decisions. Our public policies grow out of our basic belief that there is that of God in every human being and that God’s love endows all creation with worth and dignity.

As seekers after truth, Friends strive to make the social, economic, political, and environmental aspects of our lives consistent with our spiritual values and Quaker heritage. We endeavor to live in right relationship with the earth.

Guided by Friends testimonies of peace, simplicity, equality, community, integrity, and stewardship, we:

  • Research and identify, at the Washington state level, issues of concern to Friends from a legislative point of view
  • Alert Friends with timely information concerning this legislation
  • Work to encourage and facilitate Friends’ participation in the political process, whether as voters, activists or elected officials
  • Develop relationships with state legislators in Olympia and support lobbying on our issues by Friends throughout the state.

Since 1997, Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy has worked effectively toward the enactment of public policy in our state that is just, compassionate, and respectful of the inherent worth of every person.

We remain open to where God’s spirit will lead us.

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