Senate Joint Memorial 8014, requesting a reduction in federal military spending and ending the war in Afghanistan, will be heard in the Senate Committee on Government Operations, Tribal Relations & Elections on Thursday, February 2, at 10:00 AM in the Senate Hearing Room #2, Cherberg Building.
Please click here to read an open letter from FCWPP Clerk, Tom Ewell.
This bill sends an urgent message from the entire Legislature and our State that Congress and the President should end the war in Afghanistan and shift our national priorities toward rebuilding the economy, creating living wage jobs, restoring social programs, and protecting the environment. The origin House Joint Memorial 4013 is in the House State Government & Tribal Affairs Committee.
Please attend the hearing and testify in support, if you’re able.
If not, express your support for this resolution and for moving it through the committee by contacting Senator Craig Pridemore, the chair, and Senator Margarita Prentice, the co-chair, as well as other members of the committee.
Please send the Committee an email: Include in the Subject line “In support of Senate Joint Memorial 8014, End the Afghanistan War”. Send to Sharon Swanson, Committee Coordinator at
For more info contact: Nina Laboy – (206)355-4032 seattlerica@gmail. Ellen Finkelstein – (206) 661-3241 ellen@wwfor. Kaeley Pruitt-Hamm – (509) 680-4212