FCWPP Steering Committee at QM / June 12 Roundtable on Criminal Justice

Dear FCWPP Activists,

This is a reminder that you are invited to the FCWPP Steering Committee meeting at Quarterly Meeting at Lazy F Camp near Ellensburg this coming Friday evening, April 23 at 7 pm.  We will focus on reporting on our legislative work this past legislative session and hear reports from our Restorative Justice, Economic Policy, and Global Climate Change committees.  We will also discuss the question of replacing our Legislative Advocate (lobbyist), as Carol Estes has begun her new job as Executive Direction of the greatly expanded University Behind Bars program.  We thank Carol for the valuable job she has done for FCWPP over the past three years.  We also need to find persons to fill the positions of Assistant Clerk and Clerk of the Finance Committee and to look at progress on our website development. We will also have a brief update on our website development. Please do plan to attend.


Our work is supported solely by your contributions, so please consider sending a contribution to FCWPP care of our Treasurer, Jonathan Brown, 838 Hiawatha Pl. South, Seattle, WA 98114-2821.


Finally, please consider holding the date and attending our second annual FCWPP Roundtable on Criminal Justice on Saturday, June 12, from 9-1 at University Friends. This meeting provides for more in-depth analysis of the criminal justice system in Washington and  to strategize about opportunities to make changes in it, especially through legislative initiatives, but also through education and general advocacy. More specific information will be sent out in May.


I look forward to seeing many of you at Lazy F.



Tom Ewell

4774 Hansen Dr.

Clinton, WA 98236

(360) 341-1457

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