September 21, 2012; Updated November, 2012
Criminal Justice
Restorative Justice: Support educational programs for and increased use of restorative justice programs as options for diversion of juvenile offenders
Repeal the Death Penalty
Gun Violence: Study the causes of and possible ways to reduce gun violence
Legalization of Marijuana, treating its abuse as a public health issue. I-502 has passed, with support from FCWPP.
Equality and Economic Justice, including Health Care
Marriage Equality. R-74 has been approved, with support from FCWPP.
Social Safety Net: Protect and repair what is left of the social safety net, including expanding Medicaid to restore coverage formerly provided through Basic Health Plan and Disability Lifeline
Women’s Health and Family Planning: Increase state support
Tax Reform: Make the state tax structure more equitable and create revenue needed to restore and retain basic services such as education and health care
Local Responses to Global Challenges
Oppose attempts to weaken, delay, or roll back state environmental laws
Advocate energy generation methods with the least impact on the environment and oppose ports for the transmission of coal
Support efforts to increase state resources by creating a state bank
Proposed legislation will be monitored and supported or opposed as it is found in keeping with our values and public policy priorities. See the FCWPP website /priorities/draft-fcwpp-public-policy-work-plan-2013.html for the more detailed FCWPP Public Policy Work Plan for 2013.