Can you in WA Legislative District one of 11, 23, 32, 34, 36, 37, 41, 43, 45, 46, 48 contact your state Senator to oppose a bill (SB 6152) that would reduceauthority to use toll lanes and charges to manage traffic flow? Methods to manage traffic should be given a chance for evaluation before being rescinded. For more information, see and click on Senate Bill Report. SB 6152 would roll back an effort to encourage car pools as a way to reduce traffic congestion – carpools of 3 or more can use the toll lanes for free with a special Good to Go sticker. Besides, the tolls will be evaluated in two years under current law and since they just started in November of 2015 it’s way too early to call it a failed experiment. Include a personal example if you have one, like the following example (from Leni Skarin’s experience): “We often drive I-405, in particular during rush hour because I-5 can be impossible, and we just paid a $5.50 toll on a trip last week to save half an hour and make the ferry we wanted. Before the toll lanes went into effect the HOV lane was better but still slow, so now we have the choice to pay to get through heavy traffic – or put another person in the car! Most of the time we avoid rush hour and pay just 75 cents.” Environmental Stewardship and Peace Working Group Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP)