Call your Legislators on March 30
In coordination with the Washington Tax Fairness Coalition of which FCWPP is a participant, we want legislators to hear from us in support of an estate tax on March 30. Your call will add impact to a scheduled press event on March 29 featuring William Gates, Sr. and the release of a new report on the Estate Tax by the Economic Opportunity Institute. The toll free number for legislators is 1-800-562-6000. Addresses can be found at Talking points on the estate tax are below:
When you see a story about the estate tax, or about budget cuts because there’s not enough revenue, PLEASE send a letter to the editor using the points below, and send us a copy. LTE’s are widely read, and influence the debate. This issue will be decided in April, 2005.
Talking Points
Background Information The Washington Supreme Court threw out the state estate tax last month on technical grounds, resulting in a loss of $270 million in the current budget cycle. Governor Gregoire has proposed reinstating the estate tax in her budget. Her proposal calls for an exemption level of $2 million before the tax takes effect, and a complete exemption for family farms.
—————————————————————————- To contact FCWPP Lobbyist Roger Kluck, email or call 206-856-4444.
How to Contact Your Legislators: During business hours, you can leave a message for all three of your legislators and the Governor at the toll free hotline (the operators can even tell you who your legislators are!) 1-800-562-6000
Use to identify your legislators. Contact information for your senators can then be found at , and for representatives is at
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