Environmental Stewardship Alert 2/13/19

Help Clean Up Washington’s Transportation Fuels

An important bill that would improve the efficiency of fuel used for transportation in Washington State needs your support. HB 1110  and its companion bill in the Senate SB 5412 would establish a Clean Fuels Program to limit the greenhouse gas emissions per unit of transportation fuel energy in Washington State. Under HB 1110, greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced to 10 percent below 2017 levels by 2028 and 20 percent below 2017 levels by 2035.

This bill is a crucial piece of a comprehensive effort to confront climate change, and will be receiving a hearing in the Transportation Committee this week. Please email or call your legislators and tell them you support House Bill 1110 and its Senate companion bill SB 5412, or simply follow this link and click on “comment on this bill” on the right-hand side to leave a comment that will be sent to your legislators.

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