Economic Issues for Lobby Day! 2/21/2011

Economic JusticeSupport funding for Basic Health Plan (BHP), Disability Lifeline, Apple Health for Kids, and Take Charge family planning

The House and Senate have approved the conference committee report for the supplementary budget (ESHB1086) that runs through of June of 2011.  BHP and other programs will be kept, but enrollments are reduced.  The crucial issue now is support and funding for the coming biennium. 

Efforts to provide the needed funds include HB 1847/SB 5816 (prime sponsored by Rep. Cody and Sen. Chase, respectively), which would eliminate tax exemptions for banks on mortgage interest, cosmetic surgeries, privately owned aircraft, and coal use for power generation.  Referred to Ways & Means in each chamber; no action yet.  A referendum may be needed because a 2/3 majority is needed to eliminate tax exemptions via a legislative vote.  A more general bill for tax exemption reform is HB 1889 (sponsored by Rep. Hasegawa).

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