Contact members of the House to oppose Two Anti-Environmental Measures

FCWPP Alert: Contact members of the House to oppose ESSB 6406 and Section 104 of HB 2801

ESSB 6406 would delay adoption of Western Washington toxic stormwater permits for three years and delay Eastern Washington permits by 1 year.  These Dept. of Ecology permits are essential for protecting Puget Sound and other bodies of water from toxic runoff.  Oppose ESSB 6406.

HB 2801 is an omnibus bill to help local governments get revenue.  But Section 104 blocks the proposed Ecology Phase II stormwater permit that would require Low Impact Development for all new development where feasible, proposing instead a “voluntary” approach.  Oppose Section 104 of HB 2801.

ESSB 6406 has passed the Senate and the House Ways and Means Committee is conducting a hearing on this bill (hearing started at 10 am, Wednesday, March 7).

HB 2801 has had a hearing in the House Ways and Means Committee, but no vote. 

Please contact members of the House and especially members of House Ways and Means to oppose these measures.

Members of House Ways and Means are listed below (email addresses are of the form: ):

Representative Room Phone
Hunter, Ross (D) Chair JLOB 315 (360) 786-7936
Darneille, Jeannie (D) Vice Chair JLOB 314 (360) 786-7974
Hasegawa, Bob (D) Vice Chair JLOB 322 (360) 786-7862
Alexander, Gary (R)  LEG 426B (360) 786-7990
Bailey, Barbara (R)  JLOB 403 (360) 786-7914
Dammeier, Bruce (R)  JLOB 465 (360) 786-7948
Orcutt, Ed (R)  JLOB 408 (360) 786-7812
Carlyle, Reuven (D) JLOB 325 (360) 786-7814
Chandler, Bruce (R) LEG 427B (360) 786-7960
Cody, Eileen (D) JLOB 303 (360) 786-7978
Dickerson, Mary Lou (D) LEG 429A (360) 786-7860
Haigh, Kathy (D) JLOB 420 (360) 786-7966
Haler, Larry (R) LEG 122D (360) 786-7986
Hinkle, Bill (R) JLOB 421 (360) 786-7808
Hudgins, Zack (D) LEG 438A (360) 786-7956
Hunt, Sam (D) LEG 438B (360) 786-7992
Kagi, Ruth (D) JLOB 308 (360) 786-7910
Kenney, Phyllis Gutierrez (D) JLOB 320 (360) 786-7818
Ormsby, Timm (D) LEG 122G (360) 786-7946
Parker, Kevin (R) LEG 122F (360) 786-7922
Pettigrew, Eric (D) LEG 434B (360) 786-7838
Ross, Charles (R) LEG 426A (360) 786-7856
Schmick, Joe (R) JLOB 432 (360) 786-7844
Seaquist, Larry (D) LEG 132C (360) 786-7802
Springer, Larry (D) LEG 132E (360) 786-7822
Sullivan, Pat (D) LEG 339A (360) 786-7858
Wilcox, J.T. (R) JLOB 424 (360) 786-7912

Sam Merrill, Legislative Clerk,
Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy

P.S.  Representatives of the Environmental Priorities Coalition talked with offices of all members of the House yesterday and delivered the following materials (which include examples of successful use of Low Impact Development in Washington State and a supportive editorial in the Seattle Times):


The Department of Ecology’s draft municipal stormwater permits are one of the biggest opportunities to set us on a course to clean up Puget Sound and waterways around Washington. These permits are necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act and have the potential to be a big step forward to yield significant results in our state’s effort to restore Puget Sound to health by 2020. 

Preventing toxic runoff at the source using low impact development (LID) techniques is much more costeffective than cleaning up pollution after it enters our waters. Under the current, outdated way of doing things, stormwater runoff is funneled into costly stormwater retention faculties or wastewater treatment plants. Installing and maintaining these facilities is very expensive for developers and local governments.  Ensuring that we do not delay the adoption or weaken the permit is wise economic strategy and will save the state, local governments, and taxpayers significant money over time, as well as improve the
health of our waters.

Below are examples of projects in Washington state that have successfully incorporated low impact development (LID) and the cost savings associated with the project:

Wilson Motors – Bellingham
Wilson Motors, a Toyota car dealership in Bellingham, opted to use pervious pavement, rain gardens, and bioswales on its seven acre site near Whatcom Creek instead of the conventional system of storm drains, pipes and vaults. The dealership was able to save a significant amount of money using this lowimpact development approach instead of conventional stormwater infrastructure. The significant cost savings, combined with its long?term lifecycle value, made low impact development an easy choice for
the owner.
Total cost savings using low impact development: $465,000

Stratford Place – Sultan
Stratford Place is a 20 lot housing development constructed in 2006 in Sultan, WA. It utilizes pervious concrete for streets, sidewalks and driveways. It has endured snow storms, freezing temperatures and several 50 year rain storm events. The use of this low impact development eliminated the need for large detention ponds and pipes and saved the developer a significant amount of money. The builder was able to build homes on the two lots that normally would be for detention ponds, increasing the value of the project.
Total cost savings using low impact development: Over $260,000

The 2nd Avenue Street Edge Alternative (SEA) Street project – Seattle
Seattle Public Utilities redesigned an entire 660?foot block with a number of low impact development techniques. The design included bioswales and rain gardens to treat and manage stormwater. These techniques have reduced the amount of runoff by 99%3 even during heavy rains. This neighborhood shows that green infrastructure also helps make communities great places to live – creating green, open, family?friendly spaces. Managing stormwater with LID techniques resulted in a cost savings of 29 percent. And the reduction in street width and sidewalks reduced paving costs by 49 percent.
Total cost savings using low impact development: $217,255

Seattle Times Editorial:
Originally published February 5, 2012 at 4:00 PM | Page modified February 5, 2012 at 6:01 PM
Reduce water pollution and promote clean waterways in Washington with green infrastructure in building and design. Lawmakers in Olympia must not stall efforts already under way to move ahead.

CLEANING up Puget Sound and other Washington waterways is an enormous task that requires money and focused, sustained effort.
One basic goal is not to compound pollution problems in the meantime and drive up costs. Lawmakers in Olympia flirted with that option, and the threat remains. The state Department of Ecology is drafting permits and writing rules to put elements of Low Impact
Development (LID) in place across the state. Pollution in stormwater runoff is a hazard for all waterways.
Municipalities attempted via House Bill 2641 and companion legislation to resist the permits and make their implementation voluntary. That would be an expensive mistake over time.
The state Pollution Control Hearings Board ordered Ecology to follow federal and state rules in 2008.
Even as the directives are drafted, the largest cities and counties get to phase in the requirements over the next couple of years, and smaller communities have even more time.
Enough with the foot dragging. LID projects are designed to stop toxic pollution from getting into storm drains and waterways by emphasizing landscaping, engineering and architectural design. These are small-scale changes that play an important role in reducing flooding and protecting property.
Using permeable paving, planting trees and employing green roofs, water reuse and rain gardens to reduce runoff are techniques that work. They can also save money and produce attractive results for homeowners and homebuilders.
For example, eliminating the need for stormwater detention in larger developments might mean extra lots to build on and sell.
Preventing pollution is cheaper than the remedial efforts to clean up later. Legislators ought to understand and value that, especially in these times.
(end of editorial)

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