Contact Legislature

How to contact the people who represent you in Olympia

  1. Go to the Washington Legislature website. Links to House and Senate representatives are listed in the left hand column.
  2. If you know your legislators’ names, send an email addressed to: (Example: Rep. Frank Chopp’s address is ). You can also leave a phone message for your legislators using the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 (staff will identify your legislative district and find your legislators’ names).
  3. Alternately, you can determine your legislative district, find your legislators’ names, and draft an email by using the Washington State Legislature: Find Your Legislator form below.
  4. Click your legislators’ names that appear up over the map after you input your address information as described in 2. a. A list will appear, with a picture the individual you clicked at the top of that list. Click on the word “Email” (located adjacent to the bottom right corner of the picture). b. Complete the form that appears, feel free to cut and paste from the attachments to this email, or use your own words. c. Then click Submit Form at the bottom of the form.
  5. Let us know you contacted your legislators by sending a copy (cc:) of your email to Susan Campbell c…
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