Help prevent rollback on clean energy!

Dear Friends, In 2006, voters approved I-937 to guarantee that by 2020, 15% of the electricity from Washington’s largest utilities comes from new renewable energy sources. But the special interests who oppose I-937 want to use this year’s legislative session to undo its clean energy standards. The state Senate recently voted by a 27-21 margin to pass … Read more

Carbon cap & invest bill needs your help this week!

Dear Friends, Shouldn’t excuses for inaction on climate change be a thing of the past? This week in Olympia, both the House and Senate are expected to vote on Cap and Invest, the Governor’s climate change bill. The choice is clear: vote yes and move forward to reduce our state’s global warming pollution and fossil fuel … Read more

Voting Rights Restoration

FCWPP Alert – Ask your legislators to support Voting Rights Restoration HB 1517, which would have restored voting rights to ex-felons who have completed all supervision under the Department of Corrections, has been replaced by a substitute that calls only for a study by the Secretary of State. Please contact your legislators by email or phone … Read more

Help Pass Transit Bill Now!

Dear Friends, Next week is a critical week of the Legislative Session. The Transit-Oriented Communities bill (HB 1490) will be up for a House floor vote by Wednesday. House Bill 1490 would create affordable, walkable communities connected by transit for Washington’s families and has strong support from both the Environmental Priorities Coalition and the Washington Low … Read more

Voting Rights & Faith Advocacy Day

Friends–One important action request and a reminder about Faith Advocacy Day. ACTION REQUEST: Please call Frank Chopp’s office and tell him that you are very disappointed that HB1517 was amended to call for a study instead of finally taking action to restore voting rights to released prisoners. Tell him you are particularly unhappy about this because … Read more

Efficiency First bill hearings next week

Dear Friends, Energy efficiency is the cheapest, quickest and cleanest way to meet rising energy needs, confront climate change and boost our economy. More than 30% of Washington’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from energy use in buildings. Join us in Olympia for a hearing on Efficiency First A pair of hearings at the State Capitol on … Read more

Last Call for Quaker Lobby Day Registration!

Quaker Lobby Day is less than two weeks away! Can you donate one day for justice? How about February 9? If you haven’t already registered to attend FCWPP’s first Quaker Lobby Day, now’s the time to sign up. Our program begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Olympia Friends meeting house. It includes a chance to … Read more

Invitation to Quaker Lobby Day February 9

Dear Supporters of the Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy, Friends have been a leading voice for prison reform for over 350 years. But our voice has never been needed more than it is today, when our nation has a higher reported rate of imprisonment than any other country in the world. So we invite … Read more

A Criminal Justice and a Military Recruitment bill must pass Committees

Friends–Another friendly nudge from you and we may end up with two more good bills passed this session: SB 6790 on prison education and HB 2026 on military recruiting in the schools. Thank you. Post-secondary Education for Prisoners.  SSB6790 is an exciting bill that attempts to reintroduce highereducation into the prison system by starting small. It authorizes … Read more


House Bill 2879 creating new terrorism crimes and expanding the death penalty, and House Bill 2416 greatly expanding wiretap authority in anti-terrorism investigations, passed the House with large majorities in mid-February. HB 2879 was heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday the 28th. Chairman Kline did not let the bill out of Committee, killing it. … Read more

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