Brief messages by you on Friday or early Saturday will make a difference.
Senate Bill 6704, which in its current form creates new terrorism crimes, expands the application of the death penalty, and expands police surveillance authority, passed the House 70 to 23 on Wednesday, with five Representatives absent or excused. It is notable that the yes vote was lower than any previous terrorism bills. Contact by concerned citizens is changing some votes. The following Representatives voted against this bill:
Maralyn Chase, D-32
Eileen Cody, D-11
Mike Cooper, D-21
Jeannie Darneille, D-27
Hans Dunshee, D-39
Ruth Fisher, D-27
Sam Hunt, D-22
Ruth Kagi, D-32
Phyllis Kenney, D-46
Patricia Lantz, D-26
Joe McDermott, D-34
Jim McIntire, D-46
Ed Murray, D-43
Val Ogden, D-49
Phil Rockefeller, D-23
Sandra Romero, D-22
Sharon Tomiko Santos, D-37
Shay Schual-Berke, D-33
Brian Sullivan, D-21
Kip Tokuda, D-37
Dave Upthegrove, D-33
Velma Veloria, D-11
Alex Wood, D-3
Since the bill was amended by the House (actually it was completely gutted and radically different House language was substituted, see previous Alerts) the next step is a return to the Senate, very likely to a conference committee on Saturday.
If you are, like I am, concerned that terrorism represents a real threat and are ambivalent about opposing legislation purporting to prevent or prosecute it, please consider that the new crimes in this bill punish acts that are already illegal and can be prosecuted with existing laws. The provisions expanding police surveillance have many risks associated with them, including that investigations could target suspects based primarily on their characteristics rather than their actions, this because the provisions significantly weaken due process. Police power alone will not create security. Once lost, Washington State’s
traditionally strong support of individual rights will be very hard to regain. We can prevent terrorism without acceding to the chilling effect the loss of civil liberties will have on legitimate dissent.
If you haven’t yet responded to an Alert, make this one a priority; if you have, thanks, and keep at it. Our opportunity to affect votes on legislation this session will soon end – let your light shine.
ACTION: If your Representatives is named above, thank her or him for voting against Senate Bill 6704.
ACTION: Everyone should contact their Senator and voice opposition to Senate Bill 6704 as passed by the House. E-mails or calls to Senate Leadership will be especially helpful, even if they don’t directly represent you. They are:
Majority Leader, Sid Snyder 360-786-7636;
Majority Caucus Chair, Harriet Spanel 360-786-7678;
Majority Floor Leader, Betti Sheldon 360-786-7644; v
Majority Whip, Tracey Eide 360-786-7658;
Majority Caucus Vice Chair, Ken Jacobsen 360-786-7690;
Majority Assistant Floor Leader, Jeri Costa; 360-786-7674; Majority Assistant Whip, Jim Kastama 360-786-7648;
When calling, writing, or sending e-mail on any issue covered in the Alerts, please identify yourself as a Friend and as a member of FCWPP. Our effectiveness is enhanced when legislators hear from people who respond to our issues.
Use to find out who your legislators are. Go to for extensive online information on legislators, legislation, our State Constitution and existing state law, among many other things.
Call me with questions, suggestions, or information you want to share.
Thank you,
Alan Mountjoy-Venning
Friends Committee on Washington State Public Policy
P.O. Box 452
Olympia, WA 98507-0452
360 556-2584 cell
360 943-2503 home
How to Contact Your Legislators:
Call the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 or
Write your Senator and representatives at:
Senator _______________
PO Box 4048
Olympia, WA 98504-0482
Representative ___________
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
On the web at: follow the links to the Senate or House, and click on your member’s name to get their
e-mail address or their direct telephone number.
Note: You have received this alert because you are on the emailing list of the Friends Committee on Washington State Public
Policy ). If you have questions, please contact Alan Mountjoy-Venning, FCWPP Lobbyist, or by calling 360 556-2584.