Annual Meeting 2022 – registration is open

Registration is now open for the Quaker Voice Annual Meeting, Saturday, December 3, from 10 am to 2:30 pm. You can choose to participate remotely or in person at Eastside Meeting in Bellevue. You will receive full details when you register.

The meeting will cover several important matters.

 Our lobbyist will alert us to what is coming in the 2023 legislative session. What committees are changing leadership or structure? What will be happening in person and in hybrid form?

– Working groups will make their selections of priority issues for the 2023 session. While bill numbers may not yet be available, the choices will be informed by what we know about bills coming forward and their chances of passage.

– You will have an opportunity to propose other bills for “support” status, which will authorize our activists to sign in “pro” or “con” using their Quaker Voice affiliation.

– We will share a draft of the document emerging from the Finding Our Quaker Voices process, a new statement of how our choices in Quaker Voice reflect our Quaker testimonies.

In summary, this is a key meeting for you to attend. We hope to greet you there.

PS. We are offering orientation on Friday evening, December 2, at 6:30 pm, covering the basics of the legislative process and current Quaker Voice processes. Registrants will receive the link.

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