Abolish the Death Penalty hearing – Wed. March 6th

Attend a Hearing of the House Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty
The House Judiciary Committee is holding a public hearing on  HB 1504, legislation that would repeal WA’s death penalty, on Wednesday, March 6th from 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Our goal is to pack the room for the hearing, and we need your help! We would be most appreciative if you attend, and if you can forward the following announcement to your network of friends, colleagues, neighbors, and anyone else you think might be available to attend the hearing on March 6th.

The Safe and Just Alternatives coalition—which the Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy is part of—will hold a press conference following the hearing.

Announcement: Join us on Wednesday, March 6th at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on House Bill 1504, a bill to eliminate the death penalty and replace it with lifetime incarceration without parole. Immediately following the hearing, advocates of the bill will host a press conference. The events provide opportunities to educate legislators and the public about the many reasons to end the death penalty, and to continue building momentum for change.

Where and When: Washington State Capitol
                                   O’Brien Building, Hearing Room A

                                   House Judiciary Committee 

                                       Wednesday, March 6th at 8:00 am

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