Please come to the 3rd Annual Meeting of Quaker Voice
Saturday, December 2, 2017 9AM~ 3PM
Tacoma Friends Meeting 2508 S 39th St, Tacoma
Bring a Friend
Learn to lobby more effectively
Ensure your Meeting has a voice in planning Washington Quakers’ legislative focus in 2018 as we:
- Approve a new Board of Directors
- Listen interactively with Lobbyist Noah Martin
- “Strategies for building relationships with legislators before Quaker Lobby Day”
- Participate in discussions to set our 2018 legislative agenda in
- Criminal Justice
- Environmental Stewardship & Peace
- Economic Justice
Lunch will be provided. Childcare & overnight hospitality available if requested by November 27th.
HELP US PLAN: Pre-register by emailing Clerk Leni Skarin at or (509) 307-3888. Please provide your name & contact info., ages of children needing childcare, hospitality requests or special needs.
Mark your Calendar
Monday, February 19, 2018 is Quaker Lobby Day