2024 Additional Supported Bills

Additional Quaker Voice Supported Bills that became session law in 2024.

Information on the ballot initiatives is posted here.

See our priority bill status page for what happened with our 2024 priority bills.

[Green for Environmental Stewardship, Amber for Economic Justice, Purple for Criminal Justice]

HB 1368, Electric School Buses.  Requires and funds the purchase of zero emission school buses. Passed House, passed its policy committee, and was referred to Senate Ways and Means on February 21. That committee passed it on the Senate Rules Committee for a second reading on February 26. It passed in the Senate on March 1, with 29 yes and 20 no votes. It is now session law, with an effective date of 6/6/2024. 

HB 1589 and SB 5562, PSE Gas Ban Bill. Requires a big energy utility to stop new gas installations, while protecting low-income consumers. Already passed House, heard in Senate, and passed its Senate policy committee. Senate Rules has placed it on the Senate floor calendar. On March 1, HB 1589 was the last bill heard by the Senate and passed with 27 yes votes and 22 nos. It is now session law, with an effective date of 3/28/2024. 

HB 1652. Allows child support to be passed through to the children in TANF families at 100%, rather than having administrative fees subtracted. Passed House, heard already in the Senate, and passed onwards by Senate Law & Justice on February 15. Now under consideration in Senate Ways and Means, which held a hearing on February 24 and passed it on to the Senate Rules Committee on February 26. On February 29, it passed the Senate unanimously. The Senate passed the substitute bill approved by the House with no further amendments. It is now session law, effective 1/1/2026. 

HB 2007. Cash assistance (TANF) time limit extensions, to permit the Dept. of Social and Health Services to grant them beyond the federal five-year time limit in cases of hardship. Passed House. Passed by Senate Committee on Human Services on February 20 and on February 26 was passed by Ways and Means on February 23 to the Senate Rules Committee. It passed the Senate on March 1 with 27 yes votes, 19 no votes, one absent and three excused. It is now session law, with an effective date of 7/1/2024. 

HB 2303. Modify conditions for community custody on petition from individual in custody citing changed circumstances.  It passed the House 58-39 and was passed out of the Senate Committee on Human Services on February 20. It passed the Senate on February 28, with a vote of 38 yes, 11 no. It is now session law, with an effective date of 3/15/2024.

HB 2368, Authorize the Dept. of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to administer services to immigrants who are not eligible to get them from the Federal government. Passed House 61-35 and was passed out of the Senate Committee on Human Services on February 20. It passed the Senate on February 28, with 29 yes and 20 no votes. It is now session law, with an effective date of 6/6/2024.  

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