Yes, this bill is back … and it’s at a crucial point. Your help is needed. 1. Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs) refer to restitution, fines, public defender costs, incarceration costs, drug treatment, etc. 2. Please contact your state senator to move HB 1390 toward passage. This bill on Legal Financial Obligations, as passed by the House 970, would help released prisoners reconstruct their lives, reduce recidivism, and thus enhance public safety [see provisions in (5) below]. 3. If your senator is on Ways and Means (identified as W&M in the list below), ask them to move HB 1390 out of Ways and Means. Their deadline to act is Monday, Feb. 29 (an amendment needs fixing, but there is no time to do that in W&M). 4. Whether your Senator is or is not on Ways and Means, ask them to support HB 1390 in the full Senate and at that point to restore the provisions that were taken from it in the Senate Law and Justice Committee [see (6) below]. 5. Provisions of HB 1390, as passed by the House 970: (1) Accrual of interest (now 12%) on the nonrestitution portion is eliminated in the future, and retroactively upon motion of theoffender, (2) A court may not impose nonrestitution LFOs on a person found indigent at the time of sentencing, and (3) Payments go to restitution as highest priority. Click here for more details. 6. The Senate version has been seriously amended to only reduce the interest to 4% (not to 0%) and, most importantly, to remove the provision that would protect released prisoners who were indigent. The deadline for full Senate action is Friday, March 4. To summarize: If your Senator is on the Ways and Means Committee, you can say, “Please pass HB 1390, the bill on Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs), out of the Ways and Means Committee so it stays alive. Then later, on the Senate floor, restore the provision that protects released prisoners that are indigent. I support HB 1390 because reforming LFOs would help released prisoners reconstruct their lives, reduce recidivism, and thus enhance public safety.” If your Senator is not on the Ways and Means Committee, you can say, “Please support HB 1390, the bill on Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs), on the Senate floor, while restoring protection from nonrestitution costs for released prisoners who were indigent and other provisions that were in the original House bill that passed 970. I support HB 1390 because reforming LFOs would help released prisoners reconstruct their lives, reduce recidivism, and thus enhance public safety.” Thank you for all you do! FCWPP Criminal Justice Working Group Senator Party Dist. Phone (360)786 Email Angel, Jan R 26 7650 W&M Bailey, Barbara R 10 7618 Baumgartner, Michael R 6 7610 W&M Becker, Randi R 2 7602 Benton, Don R 17 7632 W&M Billig, Andy D 3 7604 W&M Braun, John R 20 7638 W&M Brown, Sharon R 8 7614 Carlyle, Reuven D 36 7670 Chase, Maralyn D 32 7662 Cleveland, Annette D 49 7696 W&M Conway, Steve D 29 7656 W&M Dammeier, Bruce R 25 7648 Dansel, Brian R 7 7612 W&M Darneille, Jeannie D 27 7652 Ericksen, Doug R 42 7682 Fain, Joe R 47 7692 Fraser, Karen D 22 7642 Frockt, David D 46 7690 3/5/2016 FCWPP: Help Released Prisoners Succeed; HB 1390 is at a Crucial Point http://us10.campaignarchive2. com/?u=2690bdeb6e6cf6080f3469adf&id=38fc2bd2d4&e=[UNIQID] 3/3 Habib, Cyrus D 48 7694 W&M Hargrove, James D 24 7646 W&M Hasegawa, Bob D 11 7616 W&M Hewitt, Mike R 16 7630 W&M Hill, Andy R 45 7672 Hobbs, Steve D 44 7686 W&M Honeyford, Jim R 15 7684 Jayapal, Pramila D 37 7688 W&M Keiser, Karen D 33 7664 King, Curtis R 14 7626 Liias, Marko D 21 7640 Litzow, Steve R 41 7641 McAuliffe, Rosemary D 1 7600 McCoy, John D 38 7674 Miloscia, Mark R 30 7658 Mullet, Mark D 5 7608 W&M Nelson, Sharon D 34 7667 W&M O’Ban, Steve R 28 7654 steve.o’ W&M Padden, Mike R 4 7606 W&M Parlette, Linda Evans R 12 7622 Pearson, Kirk R 39 7676 W&M Pedersen, Jamie D 43 7628 W&M Ranker, Kevin D 40 7678 Rivers, Ann R 18 7634 Roach, Pam R 31 7660 W&M Rolfes, Christine D 23 7644 W&M Schoesler, Mark R 9 7620 Sheldon, Tim D 35 7668 Takko, Dean D 19 7636 W&M Warnick, Judy R 13 7624 In addition to your direct involvement in advocacy, FCWPP needs your financial support to continue its work. Credit card contributions may be made online at, by clicking on the “Donate” button near the top of the page on the right. Directions for making contributions by check are also on the website. Because FCWPP is a lobbying organization, contributions are not tax deductible. Copyright © 2016 Friends Committee on Washington Public Policy (FCWPP), All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences